XR Brands Sukshen
You can use the cylinders from the vacuum set Sukhshen for stimulation of the nipples, vulvar lips and other sensual body parts.
For massage put the lubricant on the skin, place a few cylinders on the body and now you can swap them around without losing vacuum inside the cylinders due to the lubricant!
To discharge the air simply touch the yellow valve at the top of a cylinder. This unique set includes 12 plastic cylinders of different diameters (5,5 cm 2 items, 4,5 cm 2 items, 4 cm 2 items, 3,5 cm 2 items, 2 cm 2 items, 1 cm 2 items), handle for creating vacuum, connecting tube and 2 heads).
Key Features
- Can be used for massage
- For BDSM games
- 12 cylinder of different diameter